Monday, February 27, 2012

Top 10 Web Design Trends - 2012

Web design trends keep changing every year. Adding on the prevalent design and working out some new innovation is the need of the hour. Though some of the web design trends being followed in 2011 will be carried over, new additions are in the offering. Below are listed some of the web design trends that will gain popularity in 2012.

1) Getting mobile compatible

Over the last few years, minimalistic designs have gained immense popularity. This trend is expected to be carried over to 2012. The findings of a research study conducted reveled that over 1/5th of the web searches intended to be carried out will be done through mobile devices this year. Making the websites mobile compatible is the need of the hour and will help bring exponential growth in business.

2) Demise of Flash and emergence of HTML5

Flash used to be extremely popular till late. Adobe recently announced its policy changes that will have a significant effect on usage of flash, when it comes to mobile web use. Keeping these changes in mind, websites have started switching over to CSS3, JQuery and HTML5.

The interactivity of flash has no equals though, but 2012 will still see emergence of CSS3, JQuery and HTML5. Real time communication and multimedia support are some of the innovative features of the emerging technology that will propel its growth in 2012.

3) Emergence of 3D technology

Visually rich applications appeal to all. 2012 will see emergence of 3D technology thereby making the desktop more attractive. Increasing number of websites is working on devising 3D effects ranging from shadows to textures. Visually interactive applications are in the pipeline and 2012 will see emergence of some of these. This can be in form of graphics and interactive layouts that is sure to take web design trends to a higher level.

4) Interactive Typography

Use of creative fonts is being discussed in business circles and many websites are in the process of mixing fonts to come up with a masterpiece that is sure to make web more interactive. CSS3 has come as a boon in this endeavor of making web interactive. It allows free typography making the work of designers easy. Expect to see interactive typography techniques in 2012.

5) Making it big

Designers are thinking differently. Expect to see innovative headings, huge icons and designer logos. The idea is to make a lasting impression on the visitor. Creating an impression with the user seems to rule the mind of the web designers.

6) Interactive additions

Interactive additions in form of modal window are in the offering. This helps in adding inputs without the need of leaving the page. Login boxes and registration screens are sure to benefit from this innovative addition. This will not only save precious time of the users but will also ensure that web gets a creative look.

7) Hybrid layouts

2012 will see the use of hybrid layout technology. In this some aspects as text will be of fixed width making the other elements fluid. This is sure to give the screen a comprehensive look, without any inch of the monitor being wasted. Hybrid layouts will give the web a distinct character and make the web livelier.

8) Bright colors and fluid backgrounds

White or black backgrounds will be a talk of the past. Expect to see expandable backgrounds with bright colors. Bright colors will not only add life to the web but will also give the web world a raw an innovative look.

9) Compact information

Single page layout will be a great addition in 2012. All the required information will be compacted in a single page layout giving the web, an aesthetic touch. Precious time of the web user will be saved, as all the essential information will be available in a single page.

10) Social media

Social media sites as Facebook and Twitter will see increased presence on all web formats in 2012. This will not only make sharing information easier but will also bring increased web traffic to the site.

Evolution of new web design trends is a continuous process and 2012 will see emergence of new technology that is sure to bring a revolution in the web world.


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